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january 23rd造句

  • The song won the 17th North Vision Song Contest on January 23rd, 2016.
  • On January 23rd, 2017, the segment reviewed the Trump Administrations first press briefing.
  • He died in the Lord January 23rd.
  • The first MLRH event, scheduled for January 16, was postponed until January 23rd.
  • Sprint purchased 30 % of Tidal on January 23rd, 2017 for a reported $ 200M.
  • The Protomen performed at MomoCon 2015, as well as MAGfest 13 on January 23rd, 2015.
  • Around January 23rd or 24th, Ronny J dropped a SpaceGhostPurrp diss track titled " SPACEGHOSTPUSSY ".
  • San Antonio has the NBA's best record since January 23rd with a 23-4 mark.
  • Of February 27th, a police officer Danny Polfliet asked how many people he had attacked on January 23rd.
  • :I'm in Belgium and it has been January 23rd for two days now, according to the Main Page.
  • It's difficult to see january 23rd in a sentence. 用january 23rd造句挺难的
  • On January 23rd, 2017, Sprint announced that they were buying a 33 percent stake in the music streaming service, Tidal.
  • Gudbranson scored his first career OHL goal on January 23rd against Jaroslav Janus of the Erie Otters in a 6-5 overtime loss.
  • The 70 MW photovoltaic Salvador Solar Park went online in November 2014, followed by an official inauguration ceremony on January 23rd, 2015.
  • On January 23rd 2017, Michelle O'Neill was selected as the leader of Sinn Fein in the North, replacing Martin McGuinness.
  • The Race from January 23rd ( it was called FIS-Race ) was carried out insteed of the Downhill Race, which was cancelled because lack of snow.
  • In direct contravention of the block user ?[ } } block log ] ) ( hundreds of times in bursts, especially on January 23rd and January 29th ).
  • On January 23rd, around 10 : 00, de Gelder walked into a nursery called'Fabeltjesland'and killed two nine-month-old babies and caretaker.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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